Wednesday, February 19, 2014

$$More Dollas$$

I went through a lot of newspaper site and read a lot of articles over raising the minimum wages higher.  I kept coming back to this article titled “The best idea on raising the minimumwage you've never heard of” By Paul Whitefield.  In a way he could be, sarcastic in his writing, by just giving us a thought but knows our country would never adopt such a drastic idea. There is this big debate about it raising to $10.10 and if so, people around 500,000 will loss their jobs.  I know folks that need that $10.10 raise because the job they have feed their family. I think that it’s very sad that some people in America work so hard to try, and take care of their, bills and families, but still struggle to make ends meet. Let some of us put ourselves in someone else shoes. Would minimum wage be acceptable for you, and your family? I don’t think that we would be ok with it either. More, and more American has to rely on welfare and food stamps, because they can’t survive with what they make alone. Some of us middle class Americans forgot what is really like to struggle in our everyday life. I really feel that minimum wages should increase to 10.10. Even Australia minimum wage is 16.37 for working adult. It would be nice if we could make that much here in America. We’re not asking for 16.37, only 10.10. Our country has to do better, when it comes to taking care of our people.


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