Friday, May 9, 2014


In the world of politics, another test of Nuclear bombs by North Korea. While the United States of America have an alliance with their neighboring countries, Obama steps up and prepares to show his strength. Although, in the article "We don’t use our military might to impose these things on others, but we will not hesitate to use our military might to defend our allies and our way of life,"  I believe that this is what they want you to believe. At the time same the government needs to show how we are powerful yet humble. If there were for anything to happen, military strength has to be used in order to have some kind of counter measurement. Even though it's only been nothing but fighting and war, and yet they claim there can be another way to resole issues, it will always lead by to the strength of the military. That shows how corrupt the government--world is. At the same time I do not believe that is a bad idea. At the same time the government will always be criticized  by whatever they do. There's always two sides to a story and it all depends on how you look at it. 


 blog 7

The Obama care, many people think a lot of thing, good and bad about this new affordable health care (Obama care).  Personally I think it is a great program for people all people but the wealthy people in this country don’t like the new Obama care program.  Think about the millions of Americans that don’t have any type of health care and now they do because of the President’s health care program.  Young people, old people and many all over America is now on track with good healthcare. I can understand the fear that this may bring but besides all the conspiracy that crazy folks may come up with.  The American that are living paycheck to paycheck can now get what they need healthcare wise to sustain good hearth.  I remember the time when my wife’s farther was on his death bed and sick. My wife and I was trying to get him treatment but he had no money and we was trying to keep up with our own bills and our own family life.  We needed help for her father’s sake.  Since he had per-existing conditions it was like nothing we could do.  Now I think of that when I think of Obama care.  This is here to help the people and all people.  I wish I was filthy rich I would help whoever I could, this is the same ideal about Obama care, to help American people.  I do wish our healthcare was just like Canada and free but we are on the right step.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Pass the weed....

I agree to the legalization of weed because I see no harm in it.  To me and many others people that may smoker or may not smoke weed, it does not harm or kill people like alcohol does.  You can get high and you won’t get crazy and beat your wife but if you get drunk you can’t control yourself and act out all nasty drunk.  Where is the danger from weed like alcohol?  There is no danger, you can’t compare and it also is used in the medical field for some patients to feel better when the prescription drug have very many more side-effect then a little joint.  The Government should make it league for recreation and tax the green, Colorado taxes there league recreational weed and make a Killen.  In February Colorado made from the Total All Marijuana Taxes, Licenses, and Fees paid out to be $3,519,756.  There is too much press and too many important people that also agree about the legalization of weed.  If I was a smoker and all I had to do was pay a tax just to smoke it league well that is fair to me and maybe whoever adopts the league of weed will be paid out by taxes and it should help the economy not hurt it like other thing do .

Post by Ivans Buckley

“Hello people of blogger status. So for today's post, I almost strained my brain on what today's topic I should rant about. Surely enough I've come to the conclusion that the topic of marijuana is nothing far from a fun discussion. Not because it's probably one of the easiest topics to write and editorial on, or that I may be a recreational pot smoker, but because the issue of marijuana is one that will never end. I personally believe it to be amazing that marijuana, as a sticky political issue, is never going away because of its ongoing usage. No matter what few states legalize it, this issue is probably never going to be solved unless all state legalize it. Marijuana is also going to be something that stays on this earth forever. Whether US citizens smoke it or plant it, marijuana is always going to be uncontrollably accessible and in most cases; affordable to the younger working generation. The topic itself, also allows too much time and money to be spent on deciding what should be done, when the answer is plain as day. LEGALIZE IT. Why fight a battle that can't be controlled. The government's ignorance of this issue, fails to comply with the political benefits of it. Despite all of weed's medicinal benefits, needless to say one of the primary arguments for legalizing weed has been to regulate and tax the hell out of it in a time when most states are struggling to stay in the black.  However, studies determined that the high-water mark for tax revenue would be in the initial years, because as the “wow” factor of legal weed wears off.  Users are then anticipated to decline. I argue that this is another act of ignorance on the government. Marijuana has been a recreational drug for years, and will be for years to come. Not because of users today, but because of future users. I know it sounds horrible, but little Billy may say no to drugs now, but 9 times out of 10 he will eventually become accustomed to the "high life" or be involved with other users. It's sad, but we do live in a world now where it seems like "everyone’s doing it" and everyone will at least try it once. Despite the unintentional negativity, the true benefit of weed's legalization inquires that there may be a progressives hope to lure young people to the polls. One of the biggest issues I've learned while studying for government exams is the fact that the younger generation lacks the most political participation. Marijuana may be the answer to increase this younger generation's participation in government. So to the question as to what should the government do, or if they should do anything; simple. Legalize it.”

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Same sex marriage

There are many people fighting for their constitutional rights and equality form others.  There is a part of that fight that should not even had been fought but it is the biggest issue in the front.  The same sex marriage issue.  Let me first start off by saying that I have been marred to my wife for over 7 years and we have children together.  Our children are growing up with their mother and farther and are getting everything that they need as kids.  Marriage should be sacrate a bond between a men and a women.  That is natural, I cannot have a son to carry on my name if I marry a men.  That just wouldn’t work even though a same sex marriage could actually be successful rise a child.  I believe they could but is it right, and how would that child be touch.  Would they be influenced to have a homosexual lifestyle like their parents?  Before I could think about all that I thought about my relationship with my wife and it felt disrespected.  Marriage is just not a would or a title it is a blessing form God and I have been bless with kids and a family.  Same sex marriages could never go through the natural things my marriage to through.  Marriage is something you have to work at every day and all the time I do feel bad for those people that are of the same sex to go through decimation or any type of hate crime.   A crime is a crime and passing any type of marriage law that is for two men or two woman to lay and marry each other is a crime in my book.  If you believe if the bible and our Savior Jesus Christ it was written “From the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female. For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother; and shall cleave to his wife.” (Mark 10:6-7).

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

$$More Dollas$$

I went through a lot of newspaper site and read a lot of articles over raising the minimum wages higher.  I kept coming back to this article titled “The best idea on raising the minimumwage you've never heard of” By Paul Whitefield.  In a way he could be, sarcastic in his writing, by just giving us a thought but knows our country would never adopt such a drastic idea. There is this big debate about it raising to $10.10 and if so, people around 500,000 will loss their jobs.  I know folks that need that $10.10 raise because the job they have feed their family. I think that it’s very sad that some people in America work so hard to try, and take care of their, bills and families, but still struggle to make ends meet. Let some of us put ourselves in someone else shoes. Would minimum wage be acceptable for you, and your family? I don’t think that we would be ok with it either. More, and more American has to rely on welfare and food stamps, because they can’t survive with what they make alone. Some of us middle class Americans forgot what is really like to struggle in our everyday life. I really feel that minimum wages should increase to 10.10. Even Australia minimum wage is 16.37 for working adult. It would be nice if we could make that much here in America. We’re not asking for 16.37, only 10.10. Our country has to do better, when it comes to taking care of our people.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I know who I am not voting for, Greg Abbott and with good reason.  After I read and watch video about what Nugent said about President Obama being a “subhumanmongrel and gangster”.  The Texas Attorney General and Republican candidate Greg Abbott didn’t say these things but he has appear with Nugent, invites him on his campaign trail, and plan to still appear with him even after the statements of Nugent.  They seem close and he definitely endorses the disrespectful views of Ted Nugent.   Ted Nugent is popular, I guess, I never heard of him but he fights for his 2nd amendment, and liberty and constitutional rights.  I believe in my free liberty but Nugent by his statements that he really HATE President Obama on all leaves.  So I ask myself “what is going on with those right wing crazy people” and I think about this article and video and in my mind I see that twitter post with the both of them.