Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Same sex marriage

There are many people fighting for their constitutional rights and equality form others.  There is a part of that fight that should not even had been fought but it is the biggest issue in the front.  The same sex marriage issue.  Let me first start off by saying that I have been marred to my wife for over 7 years and we have children together.  Our children are growing up with their mother and farther and are getting everything that they need as kids.  Marriage should be sacrate a bond between a men and a women.  That is natural, I cannot have a son to carry on my name if I marry a men.  That just wouldn’t work even though a same sex marriage could actually be successful rise a child.  I believe they could but is it right, and how would that child be touch.  Would they be influenced to have a homosexual lifestyle like their parents?  Before I could think about all that I thought about my relationship with my wife and it felt disrespected.  Marriage is just not a would or a title it is a blessing form God and I have been bless with kids and a family.  Same sex marriages could never go through the natural things my marriage to through.  Marriage is something you have to work at every day and all the time I do feel bad for those people that are of the same sex to go through decimation or any type of hate crime.   A crime is a crime and passing any type of marriage law that is for two men or two woman to lay and marry each other is a crime in my book.  If you believe if the bible and our Savior Jesus Christ it was written “From the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female. For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother; and shall cleave to his wife.” (Mark 10:6-7).