Friday, May 9, 2014


In the world of politics, another test of Nuclear bombs by North Korea. While the United States of America have an alliance with their neighboring countries, Obama steps up and prepares to show his strength. Although, in the article "We don’t use our military might to impose these things on others, but we will not hesitate to use our military might to defend our allies and our way of life,"  I believe that this is what they want you to believe. At the time same the government needs to show how we are powerful yet humble. If there were for anything to happen, military strength has to be used in order to have some kind of counter measurement. Even though it's only been nothing but fighting and war, and yet they claim there can be another way to resole issues, it will always lead by to the strength of the military. That shows how corrupt the government--world is. At the same time I do not believe that is a bad idea. At the same time the government will always be criticized  by whatever they do. There's always two sides to a story and it all depends on how you look at it. 


 blog 7

The Obama care, many people think a lot of thing, good and bad about this new affordable health care (Obama care).  Personally I think it is a great program for people all people but the wealthy people in this country don’t like the new Obama care program.  Think about the millions of Americans that don’t have any type of health care and now they do because of the President’s health care program.  Young people, old people and many all over America is now on track with good healthcare. I can understand the fear that this may bring but besides all the conspiracy that crazy folks may come up with.  The American that are living paycheck to paycheck can now get what they need healthcare wise to sustain good hearth.  I remember the time when my wife’s farther was on his death bed and sick. My wife and I was trying to get him treatment but he had no money and we was trying to keep up with our own bills and our own family life.  We needed help for her father’s sake.  Since he had per-existing conditions it was like nothing we could do.  Now I think of that when I think of Obama care.  This is here to help the people and all people.  I wish I was filthy rich I would help whoever I could, this is the same ideal about Obama care, to help American people.  I do wish our healthcare was just like Canada and free but we are on the right step.